Around the World in Eighteen Miles: Eastlondonlines celebrates World Cultural Diversity Day 2013

Today is World Cultural Diversity Day. This global event has been going for over a decade, and since 2011 it has been the basis for a 24-hour United Nations campaign called: “Do one thing for Cultural Diversity and Inclusion”. People everywhere are being asked to make one positive gesture towards integration and cultural appreciation.

The campaign’s Facebook page has over 12,000 fans discussing how they will help encourage global multiculturalism. Suggestions so far include sharing food, translating poems, learning another language and supporting ethnic shops.

The eastlondonlines’ boroughs are lucky enough to have some of the most culturally diverse populations in the world, and we thought we’d celebrate by showcasing  some of them: check out the rest of the homepage for facts and figures about Hackney, Croydon, Lewisham and Tower Hamlets, and information on the most common languages spoken in each.


By Emma Craig and Sophie Robinson-Tillett


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