Knitted out: Hackney’s trees are colourful and cosy

Yarn Bombing. Pic: Tim Walker

When Hackney residents woke up on Monday morning, a fairytale sight was to be unveiled. Multi- coloured, heart warming knitted fabrics were hugging the trees outside the town hall.

“A tree jumper to make you smile” is one of the messages that can be found on one such a ‘runway’ tree. The residents and the passers-by were delighted with the artwork and rumours surrounding the mysterious identity of the artist began.

It was discovered soon after that Kirstie Macleod is to ‘blame’ for the orchestrated art project. She said: “It was created to bring a smile to people’s faces….something a little unexpected for the Monday morning commuters. Hackney is too often subject to bad press – especially in the wake of the riots last year, it felt important to highlight a slightly lighter side of life.”

Hackney’s reaction was positive with a multitude of tweets commenting on the trees.

@YasmineA said: “#yarnbomb outside the town hall in Hackney Central – brought a smile to my face this morning!”  and @Lu_Flux said: “The trees on the green at Hackney Town Hall look so cosy in their knitted and crochet blankets.”

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