[Video] Green Assembly candidate Gordon Ross

Pic: Raziye Akkoc

EastLondonLines talked to Gordon Ross, the Green Party’s London Assembly candidate for Croydon and Sutton, about his campaign.




His pledges

• Help local businesses: supermarkets should pay rates on large car parks and the money would be used to provide easier parking for smaller shops

• A basic affordable rent for London, calculated each year. Government money and land would only go to projects coming in under that cost: “Decent housing should be a right for everyone.”

• Stop the incinerator: “It’s not the best solution for the environment, or for people in Croydon and Sutton.”

• Defend public services, and keep the NHS and schools in public hands.

In the video below, Ross talks about the controversial South London Waste Partnership.

He also discussed the Green Party’s plan to help local businesses, and a basic affordable rent for London.

Ross has worked in many careers including microbiology, interior design, and as a carer. He is involved in the London Stop the Incinerator campaign and lives in South Croydon.

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