We asked local people what they thought of the proposed closure of Lewisham A&E and reduced maternity services. The general response was largely negative, with many people on Lewisham High Street expressing their concern about the recommendations. Members of the community are worried about having to deal with limited access to an A&E.
Remi Olulade, 32, from Deptford, works at Fitness First. She thinks the A&E is very important to people from the area.
“Lewisham hospital is very good. I don’t want the government to close it. They need to find a way to make it more sustainable.”
David Rutherford, 59, is a street trader at Lewisham market. He thinks relying on only one A&E for three boroughs is ridiculous.
“These services are badly needed. There’s a lot of people in this borough, other hospitals are a long way off and can’t deal with extra workload.”
Gareth Thompson, 31, a web designer from Catford. Thompson says that not only is he worried, but he is also disgusted by the planned closure.
“It’s a successful hospital and it’s being closed down because the people who have been paid overinflated amounts of money to run the NHS are completely failing in their jobs.”
Tamsin Davis, 33, from Catford is a mother-to-be who was born at Lewisham hospital.
“I obviously want it to stay open. We’re too far away from any other hospital and if they close the hospital everyone is going to end up going to King’s or Woolwich, which is going to be a mess.”
Susan Galvin, 67, is a pensioner from Lewisham who participated in the first protest against the closure.
“I’m devastated for the simple reason that I use the hospital. I’m waiting to have an operation and at the moment everything is up in the air.”
Gaëlle Laforest and Olivia Cassano