Transport history? Better ask the kids


London transport memorabilia lives inside the museum. Pic: António Fernandes

London’s transport memorabilia lives inside the museum. Pic: António Fernandes

Tube strikes can make transport go straight to the top of the headlines here in London, but there is certainly more to tell than the travel updates.

Our reporter António Fernandes went to London Transport Museum to explore the history behind the network that keeps London moving everyday.

While there’s no doubt London’s transport heritage is something to be proud of,  the Museum can also be used as a way of learning.

In fact, there were so many kids in the Museum that it was almost impossible to see the floor. Schools think it’s a good way to show some history to the children.

One of those schools is Horniman Primary School, in Lewisham.

We spoke to the teachers on why the visit was planned and some of the children had also something to say.

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