Eastlondonlines is now on TikTok!

ELL TikTok banner Pic: Eastlondonlines

Eastlondonlines joined has now joined TikTok. You can now follow the page here at @eastlondonlines or via this link.

TikTok is one of the fastest growing social media platforms and we want to continue to be at the forefront in delivering comprehensive news for the Eastlondonlines area.

You can view our take on local stories such as a rat infestation in Croydon forcing residents to dish out money for expensive pest control, what locals thought of the Autumn budget and protests by motorcyclists in Hackney.

Information on upcoming events in the ELL area is now available.

You can also follow us on:
Twitter: twitter.com/eastlondonlines
Instagram: instagram.com/ellnews/
Facebook.com: facebook.com/eastlondonlines

Our reporter Livia Giannotti interviewing motorcyclists in Hackney Pic: Eastlondonlines
Our reporter Alice Bourne discussing a rat infestation in Croydon Pic: Eastlondonlines
Our reporter Morgon Ofori interviewing residents about the Autumn Statement Pic: Eastlondonlines

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