Sydenham’s Kirkdale Bookshop was among thousands of organisations and people
around the world taking part in World Book night. (23 April) Kirkdale is one of the oldest bookshops in south east London, opening its doors in 1966. It is a focal point for the many events that this community in Lewisham provides, The Sydenham Festival among much more.
The world book night event was very well attended with local writers reading their own works and locals reading their favourite books written by Stephen King, John Steinbeck and Charles Dickens.
This was a delightful evening with wine flowing and great works read, and coincided with the birth and death day of William Shakespeare and the anniversary of the death of the great Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes. UNESCO also declared this date international book day; America, Ireland and Germany celebrated the event.
Just over 56 percent of working adults have below average G.C.S.E level literacy and 16 percent are at, or even below, the average eleven year old. Sadly a quarter of young people do not see the link between reading and success. World Book Night make access to the hard-to-reach books easier, it provides resources to over ninety prisons and young offenders institutes – and these ripple out to not only prisoners but also their families.
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